
Many students have been asking whether we will be setting work over the summer. As both a teacher and a parent of secondary pupils I strongly believe that all students should get a break over the summer. However, this year is very different to anyhting that has gone before!

We are fully aware that whilst some pupils have been working incredibly hard, others have been doing very little (for many different reasons). Therefore, what you will find through this page is a list and links to all of the work we have done since the national school shutdown began in March. If you have already done the work you were set – Well Done, have a deserved rest! If you didn’t do the work set throughout this time, here is your chance to go back over it and make sure that you are at the same place as everyone else when we return in September.

Old Year 7
New Year 8

Old Year 8
New Year 9

Old Year 9
New Year 10

Old Year 10
New Year 11